To learn how electrification can reduce your emissions & save money have a look at My Efficient Electric Home here Read about the experiences of others and how you can start electrifying your home
An all-electric home that is efficient, saves you money, and doesn’t cost the earth!
How Home Electrification Saves You Money
Electric appliances use the least amount of energy, and Australian solar rooftop electricity is the cheapest form of home energy in the world. Combine the two, and the way to save the most on energy is to run electrified homes powered mainly with rooftop solar.
An electric car costs about 8 cents per km to drive if charged from the grid, compared to a petrol car which costs about 16 cents per km in fuel (when petrol is at $1.85/L). Charging an electric car with rooftop solar reduces this even further, to about 1 cent a km, over 10 times less than a petrol car.
Heating the water for a shower with a gas water heater costs about 89 cents with standard gas prices. An electric heat pump water heater costs just 21 cents to provide the same hot shower using grid electricity. Using rooftop solar, that shower is costs just 5 cents, over 10 times less than a gas shower.
Heat pumps for room heating provide the same cost benefits compared with gas heaters. An electric induction stovetop is cheaper than a gas stove and also provides health benefits inside the home, as the invisible pollutants from gas stoves cause significant negative health impacts.